GRIPP3R (English version)

And today is day of one more robot, ending on the blog, the robots provided by LEGO, the famous robots of the box. 

As you can see, today I will talk about GRIPP3R, the famous robot that can pick objects and transport them! 
This is perhaps the robot with more steps during assembly, but no doubt that it is an easy to assemble and simple robot to perceive how it works ... When we look at it, our attention is captured by the robust body and the long arms, but after, we realize that the body is only constituted by the "intelligent brick" and the other "outside" parts just to give it shape! 
It moves through two large excavators, moved by the 2 large motors and opens and closes hands through a system which is connected to medium motor. The arms are hinged to stir in conjunction with the hands,  seeming that are the arms that pick the object up!

It can be programmed in two ways, the first where it moves forward until a hand passes in front of the infrared sensor and put something between it's robotic hands. It closes them, turns around and continues to move forward again until the and passes again and he "returns" the object. 
The other way, is to control it with the remote control, sensing that whenever hands are touching the touch sensor it will close them and lift the object, and when they are not touching it will lower them and release the object!

Now lets see a video to confirm the described: 

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